Make an Impact with Our Colorful PPE

Pyramex's Colorful PPE

Using colorful PPE can equip workers with quick visual guides to reduce accidents and lower confusion on the job. But what products are the most effective with color? We suggest incorporating color in these four product lines and here's why.

Hard Hats

A hard hat color code system can be used to quickly identify workers with different roles, training levels, and work areas. The most common colors are white, yellow, blue, green, and red. Explore our colorful hard hat options > 

Work Wear

Like the hard hat color code system, work wear can help identify different roles and experience levels on the job. We have expanded our line to include more enhanced visibility options like blue, pink, red, and green. Explore our colorful work wear options > 


Gloves are great examples of how color can be incorporated for added protection. Colors are used in coatings, liners, impact design, and even to call attention to fingertips. Eye-catching gloves alert and remind workers to watch where their hands are. Explore our colorful glove options > 


Frame and lens color variations can play a factor when choosing safety eyewear. Frame colors are perfect for work areas where color coding is necessary. Lens color ensures relaxed and concentrated vision by reducing glare and/or increasing contrast. Use our selection guide to help find the right Pyramex lens color for your application. Explore our colorful eyewear options > 

Please note, some products may not meet your region's safety standards. 

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